Wednesday, 24 April 2013

5 reasons to do Interval Training

The second installment of those pearls of fitness wisdom from the personal trainers at The Fit Scene - this week: why Interval Training is the secret weapon to get a hot bikini body...


Interval Training  - a workout repeatedly alternating between short bursts of high-intensity and low-intensity exercise.

It’s that time of year when everyone is trying to get themselves back in shape for the summer and hopefully if you’re reading this, you're not one of the shockingly high 70% of the public who has already given up on their new year's fitness goals.

Even after being in the industry for coming up 5 years, I still find it bewildering the sudden influx of people around January and June. I myself view fitness and exercise with the same principal as sleep. It’s just a part of life, that will positively impact everything else.

One thing which I see year in and year out, which has unfortunately not been put to rest, is people spending far too long on cardio machines. This principal of monotonously plodding away on a treadmill for 20-30 minute is unfortunately still present in most gyms. And unless you’re wanting to run endurance events/marathons, is a bit of a waste of time. 

When it comes to getting in shape of course, any kind of exercise is going to be good for you and is certainly better than not doing any at all! However if losing body fat and toning is the goal you’re aiming for, running for short-medium periods, is going to lead to a lack of results and eventually discouragement leading finally to giving up all together.

So do yourselves a favour and have a quick read of the 5 reasons below why interval training is going to be better for you. And hopefully will help you achieve those elusive summer (or even lifetime) goals you've set for yourself.

1 – It’s Quick!

Because you’re going through 4-6 rounds of jogging and then full on sprints, you don’t need to spend very long doing it. So it’s perfect for the majority of people who are time poor.

2 – Burns more calories!
Using this system of training means you flick between your aerobic and anaerobic energy system. This makes your body burn more Calories!

3 – Increases metabolic rate!

Interval training increases growth hormone secretion, leading to increased fat burning potential, and a heightened metabolic rate for 24-48 hours after training.

4 – Improves Insulin sensitivity!
Interval training as well as high intensity aerobic training improves cells' insulin sensitivity, making it harder for you to store fat in adipose (fat-storing) tissue.

5 - It's more Fun!
Rather than staring at the wall endlessly on the treadmill, interval
training can be much more imaginative where one session can be completely
different to the last. The chances for longer term well-being increases as
your boredom levels are lower than normal.

Liam Barrett and Phil Brown are the Personal Trainers who run personal training company The Fit Scene, who have trained the winning models of the last 3 series of Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model and have special expertise in the fitness training & nutrition requirements of models.